Join smart business owners all over the world as they harness great technology to build fast growing businesses.
Team Building and Small Business Leadership with DISC Personality profiles
Our next training session will cover how you can use DiSC personality profiles to build better teams and relationships with your customers. DiSC profiles are one of the 3 top reasons we have been able to build Team Extreme to 18 people. The average length of tenure...
27 – Examples of Small Business Hacking Attempts and how to defend your Small Business
What techniques are used in Small Business Hacking attempts?
Business Email Comprimise – when you email account has been attacked – this most often happens in Microsoft 365. This is why it is important to ensure that you have Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) turn on for your account…
Sample Amazon 6 page memo
I was really interested in the concept of the Amazon 6 Page memo idea. Jeff Bezos hates Powerpoint. I love it, but more for having pictures that intertwine with a powerful, emotive pitch. As far as delivering information to help a team to make a decision it isn't...
Self Driving Cars will be here quicker than you think and heres why!
Earlier this year we talked about 7 technologies that will fundamentally change small business in the next 5 years. When I talk to Small Business Owners, the one technology that they are most sceptical about is Self Driving Vehicles. This morning Elon Musk tweeted a...
Open Book Accounting – I shared my P+L with our Team and I wasn’t attacked by Sea Monsters!
Often one of the most closely guarded secret in a Small Business is the Financials. The Profit and Loss is hidden from all of the employees because of a fear that if they knew how much money you were making (or not!) they would leave or ask for a pay rise. But the...
1 – 7 technologies which will fundamentally change small businesses by 2020
Tech Focus: We look at Confluence. Some great software, written by Atlassian, that enables team to create, store and discussion information. 1. Self Driving Cars. The changes in Road injury and death, as well as better road usage will mean that the introduction of...
0 – Why Sun Tzu is important to you and your Small Business
We look at James’ history and how he came to run his IT business Extreme Networks.
What was the process for looking at what industry to start a small business in? …