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20 – Advanced Podcast Analytics and Statistics II

by | Nov 17, 2018 | Podcasts | 0 comments

Firstly we looked at some of the equipment we use for doing our podcasts.

We use the Audio-Technica ATR – 2100 USB.  This is a great directional microphone that cuts down on noise in your recordings.

Mackie 802 VLZ4 – We use this mixer to be able to do a mix minus setup to be able to record Skype interviews.  It is a little technical and I am no expert in it, but I tried software like Pamela recording and it didn’t produce great audio quality.  We have 2 sound cards in my PC and I find the call quality is a lot better now.

Audacity is the software that we use to record our podcasts.  It is great software and best of all it is free.

We use Libsyn for our podcast hosting.  These guys do a great job of the hosting and statistics that we need to see how many people are downloading the podcast.

We then discuss itunes podcast connect statistics.  The iTunes data covers only some of your listeners, but it gives you some very powerful statistics that you can use to understand what your listeners are interested in.

The iTunes podcasts statistics are really important.  It shows how much of a big deal it is to get your Apple listeners to subscribe to your podcast and it gives you the amount of time that each person has listened to each episode.  This gives you feedback about how interesting it is for each of your listeners.

We then talk about Castbox.  This is an app that gives you rough indications of comparative analytics because you can see the data from all of the podcasts out there.  In general, 2% of listens are on Castbox, so it is a rough indication of how popular your podcast is.  One important thing to remember is that iTunes is country specific as opposed to Castbox which is total audience.  We see this with Podcasts that may have a large global audience which does not rate well in iTunes because, for example, Secret Sauce has listeners around the world, so we don’t often appear in the Top 100 podcasts because that looks at listens in just 1 country.

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